功效: 蛋白質補充、提升免疫力、減少疾病、改善毛髮健康及呼吸系統及其他敏感。Protien supply, immune system booster, improve overall health, improve quality of fur and skin, supports respiratory system and calms the effects of some allergies.

本產品只供貓犬專用,並請遵從包裝說明使用。 不適合對菇類過敏、懷孕期或哺乳期貓犬之食用。 For dogs and cats use only. Please follow the package instructions. Not suitable for dogs and cats with mushroom allergy, pregnancy or lactation. 注意: 在藥物治療期之貓犬,食用前請諮詢註冊獸醫。 如寵物對菇類過敏請勿使用或立即停用。有出血性疾病或低血壓的寵物亦需謹慎使用。請勿與稀釋血藥一起服用。 食用後有過敏反應,請立即停用並諮詢註冊獸醫。 Caution: Please consult your registered veterinarian before use if your pets are under medical treatment. Do not use/stop use in pets that are allergic to mushrooms. This product should be used cautiously in pets with bleeding disorders or low blood pressure. Do not give in conjunction with blood thinning drugs. Stop using this product if hypersensitive or discomfort occurs and consult your registered veterinarian.