Belcando 德至尊天然幼犬糧 (Puppy Gravy雞肉+鴨肉)
✔ For puppies of all breeds up to the age of 4 months
✔ For young dogs of small breeds beyond that age
精心挑選的原材料為豐富的家禽,大米和雞蛋; 使BELCANDO®小狗GRAVY成為良好的耐受性,易消化的優質糧。
當乾糧與溫暖的水混合,製作斷奶容易進食的糊食, 鼓勵小狗吃固體食物!
Carefully selected raw ingredients rich in poultry, rice and egg make BELCANDO PUPPY GRAVY especially well tolerated and easily digestible. Lots of energy for healthy growth and important minerals for bone formation ensure an optimal start in life. A tasty sauce is created when the dry food is mixed with warm water, encouraging the puppy to eat solid food and making weaning easier. And it‘s a welcome pleasure later as well!
- + 德國製造
- + 最優質的原材料
- + 出色的味道和耐受性水平
- + 使用可供人類食用的食材
- + 特別新鮮的筋肉
成份 Ingredients
新鮮家禽肉(30%)、大米、燕麥粉(20%)、馬鈴薯澱粉、風乾鴨蛋白質(8%)、燕麥殼粉、水解家禽肝臟(4.5%)、海洋魚肉粉(5%)、啤酒酵母(2.5%)、葡萄籽渣風乾長豆角莢、乾燥甜菜漿、無糖家禽脂肪、植物油 (棕櫚,椰子)、水解奇異籽 (1.5%)、磷酸二鈣、氯化鈉、氯化鉀、風乾草本 (0.2%):(蕁麻葉、龍膽根、矢車菊、洋甘菊、茴香、香菜、槲寄生、蓍草、黑莓葉)、絲蘭
成分分晰 Analysis
蛋白質 Protein | 29% |
脂肪 Fat | 17% |
粗灰分 Crude ash | 6.5% |
粗纖維 Crude Fiber | 2.0% |
水分 Moisture | 10% |
鈣 Calcium | 1.25% |
磷 Phosphorus | 1% |
鈉 Natrium | 0.35% |
Nutritional additives: Vitamin A 15.000 IU; Vitamin D3 1.500 IU; Vitamin E 150 mg; Copper (as copper(II)sulphate, pentahydrate) 12,5 mg; Iron (as ferrous(II)sulphate, monohydrate) 200 mg; Manganese (as manganese(II)oxide) 40 mg; Zinc (as zincoxide) 150 mg; Iodine (as calciumiodate, anhydrous) 2,0 mg; Selenium (as sodiumselenite) 0,05 mg
Technological additives: Lecithin 2.400 mg; extracts of natural origin with high tocopherol content (= natural vitamin E) 48 mg
德國製造 Made In Germany
官方網址: https://www.belcando.com